Reference and Link (if available)Page’s article on Print Market Segmentation. 65
Rochester Institute of Technology, RIT Scholar Works, What is print? A characterization of the printing industry in the United States (PDF), 2007. Includes additional reading and resources.65
William K. Smythe, Sizing and Segmenting the Printing Industry (PDF), NPES Newsletter, February 2006.67
Copy Express Glossary of Printing Terms.
Printing Industries of America’s PrintAccess search tool allows users to find print service providers by specialty and geographic region.’s Connect with Printing Companys search tool allows users to find, contact, and rate print service providers in their area.
Sustainable Green Partnership’s Certified Facilities listing allows users to find SGP-certified print service providers, by process, in the U.S. and Canada.
INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION: Association for Print Technologies (formerly known as NPES; some content still found at
INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION: Flexographic Technical Association.
INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION: National Association for Printing Leadership (also includes the National Association of Quick Printers).
INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION: PRINTING United Alliance, formerly Printing Industries of America.

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