We would like to thank the twenty-six universities, colleges, vocational training centers, and high schools that have adopted Introduction to Graphic Communication so far. We are honored and look forward to supporting your work for years to come,
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Arizona State University
Austin (Minnesota) High School
Bowling Green University
California Polytechnic State University
Calhoun Area Career Center
Calvert County Public Schools
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center
Illinois State University
Keefe Regional Technical School
Lewis-Clark State College
Metamora Township High School
Milton Hershey School
New York City College of Technology
Ottawa Area (Michigan) Independent School District
Rochester Institute of Technology
South Central College
Springfield Technical Community College
Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)
Tuscola Technology Center
University of Houston
Western Michigan University
Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
Shanghai Publishing and Printing College
Shenzhen Polytechnic
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology